Thursday, April 15, 2010

run-on sentances

I was sitting on my bed and reading a book and the book was about a cat who lived under a rock and ate baby mice all day and all night.
The man who had a very large head ran slowly down the paved road that had very few cars driving on it and was in a large desert in the middle of Texas and Texas is in America.
If you live in the USA chances are you are fat and greasy 1 third of Americans are over weigh and they have a McDonald's on ever street i am glad don't live in America or else i might be fat too and thats bad.
When i looked out my window i saw a bunch of gangsters beating up a dog so i went downstairs and told my mom and dad and they said they were going to call the police and that the police would come and save the dog but by the time the police got to them the dog was dead.
Last night when the clock struck 12 a ghost come sneaking out of the great clock in my living room the ghost could have been my grandpa but he had a big nose and my grandpa didn't he snuck into my room and pulled off all my covers and i woke up and he was stealing my alarm clock so i shot him with my air soft gun and he disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. #1
    While I was sitting on my bed I started reading this book about a cat who lived under a rock. The cat ate baby mice all day and night.
    A man with a very large head slowly ran down a long paved road in the desert, in the middle of Texas. When he ws running on this road there were very few cars driving on it.
    I am glad I dont live in America because I might end up being overweight like the one third of Americans are. On every street there is a Mc Donalds, so if you live in the U.S.A the chances are you are fat and greasy.
    I ran down stairs to where my parents were so they could call the police because when I looked out my window I saw a group of gangsters beating up a dog, but it was too late. When the police arrived the dog was already dead.
    As the clock struck 12 a ghost snuck out of the great clock in my living room, I thought it might have been my grandpa but it wasn't becuase the ghost had a huge nose. My grandpa didn't. The ghost crept into my room, pulled all of the covers off me which woke me up. He tried to steal my alarm clock but I shot him with my airsoft gun and he dissapeared.
