Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yick Ming Tse Adventure

Although I was the most popular boy at my old school, the thought of entering the doors to Yick Ming Tse Middle school sent chills down my spine. I am a Canadian boy, and I have only studied Chinese for 3 short months. When I stepped out of my Moms baby blue Chevy, I could feel the tension growing. Today was gonna be lousy.

Already, I detected many students staring at me. Because my nose was itchy, when nobody was looking, I began to pick it. Hoping nobody saw me, I hurried off to my first class. Immediately, I took a seat near the teacher. I knew nobody would want to sit beside the white boy. Behind me, the muscular boy was gently placing pencil shavings into my hood. Pretending I hadn't notice, I slid my desk forward an inch or two. On the chalkboard in the front of the classroom, there was a strange symbol I had never seen before. The greasy teacher pointed at me and hollered a mouthful of gibberish. Impatiently, he yelled the same pointless words. Little did he know that I had no idea what he was saying. It was terrible. Under the teachers desk was a bloody metal rod. He took me into the office and horribly beat my hands. Crying, I punched him in his pimply face and darted out into the hallway. Angered, I sprinted down the maze like hallways until I found the principles office. After I told him what happened, he politely asked me to stay seated while he quickly left the room. Worried, a waited, impatiently.

After waiting over 20 minutes, I hurried out of the room. As I opened the door, something terrible happened. I was trapped. Shockingly, there were about 50 staff members and 200 students standing outside the office,all wielding bloody metal rods. Sweat filled my body and fear filled my head. I was horrified. The Principle grabbed my arm, and pulled me to the ground. As I looked up, I saw the faces of several angry Chinese people. If there was any way out, it was to kick the principle in the groin and run like the speed of light. After executing my plan perfectly, the principle was squirming on the dirty floor, clutching his groin. Hastily, I scurried out through the bathroom window. Outside was the same muscular boy the was flicking pencil shaving and my hood. I rolled up my sleeves, and made him aware that I was going to beat him down. Charging, the boy threw a gargantuan punch. Coolly, I stepped back, grabbed his collar and hurled him to the ground. Defeated, he lay on the muddy grass and I left. I took the bus back to my house and the first thing my mom asked was "How was school honey?"
"I'm never going back there again!" I replied viciously.
"Why is that?" she reckoned.
"UH, you don't wanna know....


  1. I liked the story It was very interesting I give it a 5 for Ideas, Org 5, and Sentence Fluency 4.5 And your sentecne openers are really good too, I really liked
