Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 favorite words

1 spoon
2 pineapple
3 cat
4 sitar
5 antelope
6 fork
7 beetle
8 pseudopod
9 alpaca
10 elf

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yick Ming Tse Adventure

Although I was the most popular boy at my old school, the thought of entering the doors to Yick Ming Tse Middle school sent chills down my spine. I am a Canadian boy, and I have only studied Chinese for 3 short months. When I stepped out of my Moms baby blue Chevy, I could feel the tension growing. Today was gonna be lousy.

Already, I detected many students staring at me. Because my nose was itchy, when nobody was looking, I began to pick it. Hoping nobody saw me, I hurried off to my first class. Immediately, I took a seat near the teacher. I knew nobody would want to sit beside the white boy. Behind me, the muscular boy was gently placing pencil shavings into my hood. Pretending I hadn't notice, I slid my desk forward an inch or two. On the chalkboard in the front of the classroom, there was a strange symbol I had never seen before. The greasy teacher pointed at me and hollered a mouthful of gibberish. Impatiently, he yelled the same pointless words. Little did he know that I had no idea what he was saying. It was terrible. Under the teachers desk was a bloody metal rod. He took me into the office and horribly beat my hands. Crying, I punched him in his pimply face and darted out into the hallway. Angered, I sprinted down the maze like hallways until I found the principles office. After I told him what happened, he politely asked me to stay seated while he quickly left the room. Worried, a waited, impatiently.

After waiting over 20 minutes, I hurried out of the room. As I opened the door, something terrible happened. I was trapped. Shockingly, there were about 50 staff members and 200 students standing outside the office,all wielding bloody metal rods. Sweat filled my body and fear filled my head. I was horrified. The Principle grabbed my arm, and pulled me to the ground. As I looked up, I saw the faces of several angry Chinese people. If there was any way out, it was to kick the principle in the groin and run like the speed of light. After executing my plan perfectly, the principle was squirming on the dirty floor, clutching his groin. Hastily, I scurried out through the bathroom window. Outside was the same muscular boy the was flicking pencil shaving and my hood. I rolled up my sleeves, and made him aware that I was going to beat him down. Charging, the boy threw a gargantuan punch. Coolly, I stepped back, grabbed his collar and hurled him to the ground. Defeated, he lay on the muddy grass and I left. I took the bus back to my house and the first thing my mom asked was "How was school honey?"
"I'm never going back there again!" I replied viciously.
"Why is that?" she reckoned.
"UH, you don't wanna know....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

run-on sentances

I was sitting on my bed and reading a book and the book was about a cat who lived under a rock and ate baby mice all day and all night.
The man who had a very large head ran slowly down the paved road that had very few cars driving on it and was in a large desert in the middle of Texas and Texas is in America.
If you live in the USA chances are you are fat and greasy 1 third of Americans are over weigh and they have a McDonald's on ever street i am glad don't live in America or else i might be fat too and thats bad.
When i looked out my window i saw a bunch of gangsters beating up a dog so i went downstairs and told my mom and dad and they said they were going to call the police and that the police would come and save the dog but by the time the police got to them the dog was dead.
Last night when the clock struck 12 a ghost come sneaking out of the great clock in my living room the ghost could have been my grandpa but he had a big nose and my grandpa didn't he snuck into my room and pulled off all my covers and i woke up and he was stealing my alarm clock so i shot him with my air soft gun and he disappeared.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

There are plenty of video games. They are all based on different things. They can come from a variety of categories such as sports, to shooting everything you see. Late at night, if you are playing a game, you will have to turn the volume low or else you might wake up your parents. Unfortunately, you may get yelled at.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sentance Openers Paragraph

Quickly, we darted down to the field to see this highly anticipated recess. Ryan McClain was going to dump paint on Kelly Heart. Under the tree, Kelly, the nastiest, greasiest, gnarliest girl in the school, sat reading a harry potter book. Since the day before, Ryan had been looking for a way to get back at Kelly for ruining his project. He crept up behind the tree and poured a heaping bucked of paint water on Kelly's greasy hair. Stunned, Kelly sprung to her feet and dashed after Ryan. Luckily, Ryan's buddies, including me, we ready to stone her. Fleeing from the scene, Ryan suddenly tripped over a root, and Kelly was upon him. We were baffled. Kelly was sitting on Ryan, face in between her thunderous thighs, tickling him, and there was nothing we could do about it. Finally, the bell blared, and Kelly released Ryan from the torturous grasp she had on him. He was extremely upset, but he had learned his lesson. Don't mess with Kelly.

sentance starters

VSS- He was horrified
VSS- She is massive
LY- Quickly, he dashed down the hallway
LY- Angrily, he smashed his Friend in the face
ED- Excited, he threw his arms in the air
ED- Horrified, he hid himself under the pillow
CLAUSAL- While adam worked on his farm, I sat and played xbox
CLAUSAL- Although the building was on its side, it is still amazing landmark
ING- Dancing, the young lady tripped on her dress
ING- Screaming, mom blew bursted a blood vassal
PREPOSITIONAL- Under the bed law a mess of cans and chip bags
PREPOSITIONAL- Above the clouds, an airplane soared high
SUBJECT- The cat was 35 lbs
SUBJECT- I fell and crushed my elbow

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wondeful day for April Fools


That was my moms reaction to my amazing April fools prank. It all started at 11pm. My parents were sound asleep, and i was on the move. I had my genius plan assembled. Just the day before i bought 7 gallons of chocolate sauce, and a couple of ice cream buckets. Step one was finished.

Step 2. I had to rig all of the chocolate sauce above the doors she was going through, and in her new Mercedes car seats and exhaust. When she woke up and went to work, she would be covered in chocolate. It was an amazing plan. It was hard work. The chocolate ice cream tubs were extremely heavy, and the doors seemed higher than they normaly would. But it would be worth it. deffinatly.

It was 3:30. My mom would awake from her relaxing slumber only to be covered in gooey chocolate sauce. It would be amazing. Just a couple more hours. I tried my hardest to stay awake, but my eyes eventually grew heavy, and by 5, i was overcome by my tiredness.

I woke up at 7:25. My mom shoudl just be waking up from her warm soft bed. i stayed in my room for a couple of minutes just to hear her reaction. Her room is right below mine. Still waiting after a few minutes. I went down to look. When i opened my door, i felt a bump, and looked up to see a heaping bowl of chocolate sauce oozing down into my face. I whipped off the sauce from my face, to see my moms grinning face. Holding onto her side laughing, she threw me a towel. Its ok though, she and her car would feel the pain pretty soon!