Monday, February 15, 2010

DURP- an Innovative New Word WIP

"Hey, Braden, look at that kid! what a durp!" STOP! Ever heard anyone mutter that? Probably not, because DURP is not a real word...yet! It was created by me, Scott Lucyk, and comes from the word special, usually aimed at mentally handicapped people. I thought that was rude, so I made the word to suit all people who have had moments like that.
DURP has been described as "the perfect word to say to anyone acting silly" NEW YORK TIMES or "an innovative idea to tell somebody they are acting stupid in a harmless, not offensive way" PEOPLE MAGAZINE. DURP can be used in sentences such as 'wow dude, stop being such a durp', 'holy cow! Look at that durp!' or even 'When I caught a glimpse of that durp over there I almost died of laughter!' The verb DURP can also be used in plural (DURPS).
Still think DURP is a pointless word? Think again! If you were strolling down the street with your friend and your mom and you noticed someone acting really strange, or a mentally handicap person, you wouldn't want to say "hey man, look at that retard over there." THAT'S OFFENSIVE TO SOME PEOPLE! But DURP is a fair word, because it can simply mean somebody is fooling around and being random. Like I've explained, you don't want to make people feel horrible by saying they are 'retards' or 'idiots'. Instead, just use DURP, its so harmless and it fits for people who are being foolish. My goal is to make DURP a world renowned word, and to get it into a dictionary.
I thought of the word DURP when I was in Idaho in the USA. People were calling mentally challenged people 'retards'. (Such rude people, them Americans.)
I thought to myself, "wow that's terrible, its not his fault hes like that." Then I thought, "hey, what if I made a word that could describe someone like that in a less offensive way!" Then I created the word DURP. I will admit, I did not create the sound DURP, but it was never a word, or even had a meaning.

Scott's English Dictionary
DURP- to durp- to act like a fool, make random noises, actions and facial expressions
DURP- noun- someone who is acting silly or immature (wow, what a durp)
DURPING- verb- To describe a random act (that guys durping pretty hardcore)


  1. Its really intoresting, I really liked how you made p a new word for people to use, so that others arent affened. You stayed on topic. Detailed and in the WOW factor. 5/5

  2. Dude that was amazing, The idea was great very creative, I liked the word DURP!!!!!!, It was really WOW. 5/5 yah go scott

  3. I like the new word, it is definetly less offensive than 'retard'. You stayed on topic and went into detail. I would give this a 5.
