Thursday, May 13, 2010

Moving -Voice

Today is the day. All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go. Excitement filled my house as my dad put the remaining few necessities into the car. Vroom went the engine of my dads F-150, and we were off. Words couldn't express how excited I was for this moment. We were going to California. Leaving my old, boring house to the bustling of beautiful beaches and big city life. After a long, anxious drive, we pulled up to the shining sign reading "Welcome to California". The house was amazing! Considerably larger than my old one, and much more inviting, also. Stunning views of the sandy beach appeared in the windows, and the pool in our backyard made it a one in a kind house. I could already tell this was going to be an excellent home for my family.

Tears dripped down my face and sorrow filled my mind. Why, when I finally made some friends, do I have to move. Sadly, I put my bag into the car and spoke a heartbroken goodbye to my one and only house. If I had just mentioned to my best friend that I was going to miss him dearly,I may not have felt so bad. Unfortunately, the last words I told him were words of hatred and grieving. We pulled out the driveway and I glanced back my my beloved house. Goodbye. That car ride, I cried myself to sleep. Where I awoke was an unfamiliar couch. Suddenly I realized, I was in my new house. Foul stenches filled the air and the yard was muddy and rough. This house was far from the majesty of my previous house. I just want to go home.

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